Das Register gefranster Taglilien

Sorte Jahr Autor Mutter Vater
Creepy Crawler 1973 Hite Mary Todd Golden Surrey 1. Creepy Crawler
Angels Delight 1978 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 1. Angels Delight
Heavenly Treasure 1978 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 2. Heavenly Treasure
My Sunshine 1978 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 3. My Sunshine
Priceless Pearl 1978 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 4. Priceless Pearl
Heavenly Crown 1979 Reckamp Klehm Sdlg Divine Gift Dor 5. Heavenly Crown
Little Flock 1979 Reckamp Klehm Tender Shepherd Divine Gift Dor 6. Little Flock
Yuma 1979 Whatley Maja Kanani Dor 7. Yuma
Peace Sweet Peace 1981 Reckamp Klehm Cooling Fountain My Sunshine Dor 8. Peace Sweet Peace
Decatur Piecrust 1982 Davidson Waving Winds Round Table Dor 9. Decatur Piecrust
Angel's Smile 1985 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 10. Angel's Smile
Heavens Trophy 1985 Reckamp Klehm Sdlg My Sunshine Dor 11. Heavens Trophy
Techny Peach Lace 1988 Reckamp Klehm Sdlg Peace Sweet Peace Dor 12. Techny Peach
Startle 1988 Belden Broadmore Red My Sunshine Dor 13. Startle Belden
Fragrant Bouqet 1989 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 14. Fragrant Bouqut
Angels Realm 1993 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 15. Angels Realm
Charlie 1993 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 16. Charlie
Enchanted April 1993 Trimmer Techny Peach Lace Wedding Band Dor 17. Enchanted April
Forestlake Ragamuffin 1993 Harding Decatur Piecrust Sdlg x (Lahaina x Yuma) Dor 18.  Forestlake Ragamuffin
Garden Symphony 1993 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 19. Garden Symphony
Heavenly Pastel 1993 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 20. Heavenly Pastel
Pastel Prelude 1993 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 21. Pastel Prelude
Wide Awake 1993 Reckamp Klehm Garden Symphony Sdlg Dor 22. Wide Awake
Charlie's Dream 1994 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 23. Charlie's Dream
Crown of Thorns 1994 Harding Decatur Piecrust Sdlg Dor Crown_of_Thorns_Harding_1994s
Fortune's Dearest 1994 Morss ? ? Ev 25. Fortunes Dearest
Gram's Dream 1994 Olson Sdlg Heavenly Crown SEv 26. Gram's Dream
Antique Fringe 1995 Sellers Multiple Imagery Tet. Siloam Virginia Henson Dor 2. Antique Fringe
Mort's Masterpiece 1995 Morss Song Without Words Lin Wright Ev 28. Mort's Masterpiece
Baracuda Bay 1996 Salter Mask of Time Mort's Masterpiece SEv 29. Baracuda Bay
Crocodile Smile 1996 Trimmer Anastasia Tet. Spindazzle SEv 30. Crocodile Smile
Forestlake Point Lace 1996 Harding Lemon Lace Sdlg x Angelus Angel SEv 31. Forestlake Point Lace
Art Gallery Fringe 1998 Lambertson Fairy Filigree x Sdlg Techny Peach Lace SEv 32. Art Gallery Fringe
Create Your Dream 1998 Grace Fantasy Finish Admira's Braid Ev 32. Create Your Dream
Crown of Creation 1998 Rice Pure and Simple Heavenly Crown Dor 34. Crown of Creation
Forestlake Devil's Mistress 1998 Harding Sdlg Startle Dor 34b. Forestlake Devil's Mistress
Mister Bubbles 1998 Schwarz (Betty Warren Woods x Wedding Band) x Wedding Band Techny Peach Lace Dor 3. Mister Bubbles
Pink Fang 1998 Olson Sdlg x Heavenly Crown Sdlg SEv 35. Pink Fang
Way Cool 1998 Lambertson Sdlg Sdlv x Secret Splendor Ev 36. Way Cool
You Look Marvelous 1998 Rice Something Wonderful Frafrant Bouqet SEv 37. You Look Marvelous
Glided Knight 1999 Morss (Faberge x Heavenly Dragon) x Sdlg Fortune's Dearest SEv 38. Gilded Knight
Dark Eyed Smile 2000 Lambertson Fortune's Dearest Dracula SEv 39. Dark Eyed Smile
Forbidden Fantasy 2000 Salter ? ? SEv 40. Forbidden Fantasy
Forestlake Laura Lee Harding 2000 Harding Sdlg x Crown of Thorns Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 41. Forestlake Laura Lee Harding
Gaudy Gaudy 2000 Barnaby Yuma Olympic Showcase Dor 42. Gaudy-Gaudy
Latin Explotion 2000 Benz Savage Splendor Startle Dor 43. Latin Explosion
Ascention to Glory 2001 Ridder Yuma Unknown Dor 44. Ascention to Glory
Forest Jack Harding 2001 Harding Forestlake Lacy Bloomers Forstlake Ragamuffin Dor 45. Forestlake Jack Harding
Heavenly Beginnings 2001 Gossard Startle Tet. Spindazzle Dor 46. Heavenly Beginnings
Lee Pickles 2001 Salter ? ? SEv 47. Lee Pickles
Millennium Madness 2001 Benz Startle Angel's Smile Dor 48. Millennium Madness
Raptor Rap 2001 Lambertson Stippled Stars Fortune's Dearest SEv 49. Raptor Rap
Shark Bite 2001 Stamile (True Grit x Admiral's Braid)x(Unknown x Song Without Words) Tet. Green Widow Ev 50. Shark bite
Toothsome 2001 Kirchoff Virginia Little Henson Idea's Magic x Decatur Masterpiece Ev 51. Toothsome
Forstlake Linda Olivier 2002 Harding Forestlake Lacy Bloomers x Forestlake Ragamuffin Pearl Harbor SEv 52. Forestlake Linda Oliver
Have a Nice Day 2002 Rice Wes Kirby You Look Marvelous SEv 53. Have a Nice Day
Mort Morss 2002 Salter Fortune's Dearst Forbidden Fantasy SEv 54. Mort Moss
Spacecoast Sharp Tooth 2002 Kinnebrew Spacecoast Surprise Fortune's Dearest Ev 55. Spacecoast Sharp Tooth
Startling Creation 2002 Gossard Startle Tetra Spindazzlle Dor 56. Startling Creation
Teardrops in Heaven 2002 Corbett Sea Urchin Charmed Existence SEv 57. Teardrops in Heaven
Forestlake Becky 2003 Harding Forestlake Lacy Bloomers Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 58. Forestlake Becky
Bodacious Bite 2003 Connell Fooled Me Forestlake Ragamuffin SEv 59. Bodacious Bite
Buzz Saw 2003 Gossard Enchanted April Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 60. Buzz Saw
Eight Miles High 2003 Lambertson Way Cool Sdlg x Way Cool Ev 61. Eight Miles High
Forestlake Laura 2003 Harding Forestlake Pikachu New Direction SEv 62. Forestlake Laura
Good Morning Beautiful Day 2003 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 63. Good Morning Beautiful Day
Grace, Peace and Love 2003 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 64. Grace, Peace and Love
Harmony Ruffles 2003 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 65. Harmony Ruffles
Josephine Barsocchi 2003 Haynes Artist's Passion Techny Peach Lace Dor 66. Josephine Barsocchi
Joy To The World 2003 Klehm ? ? Dor 67. Joy To The World
Lemon Fringed Pastel 2003 Klehm ? ? Dor 68. Lemon Fringed Pastel
Mozambique Night 2003 Salter ? ? SEv 69. Mozambique Nights Salter
Ode To Faith 2003 Klehm ? ? Dor 70. Ode to Faith
One Dreamer 2003 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 71. One Dreamer
Princess of Alexandria 2003 Klehm ? ? Dor 72. Princess of Alexandria
Robes for the Queen 2003 Salter ? ? SEv 73. Robes for the Queen
Ruffled Risen Star 2003 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 74. Ruffled Risen Star
Ruffled Strawberry Parfait 2003 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 75. Ruffled Strawberry Parfait
Ruffles Ah Go Go 2003 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 76. Ruffles Ah Go Go
Seneca Jewel 2003 Rood Sdlg Techny Peach Lace SEv 77. Seneca Jewel
Sentimental Favourite 2003 Reckamp Klehm ? ? Dor 78. Sentimental Favorite
So Beautiful To Me 2003 Klehm ? ? Dor 79. So Beautiful To Me
Spiny Sea Urchin 2003 Stamile Shimmering Elegance x Ed Brown Magic Lake SEv 80. Spiny Sea Urchin
Alquippa 2004 Baxter Parisienne Pink Sdlg x Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 81. Aliquippa
Annette's Magic 2004 Rice Ed Brown Forestlake Ragamuffin SEv 82. Anette's Magic
Baby Baracuda 2004 Stadler Obsidian Baracuda Bay SEv 83. Baby Baracuda
Bladerunner 2004 Benz ? ? Dor 84. Bladerunner
Camelot Sunshine 2004 James Embrodiery Plus Enchanted April SEv 85. Camelot Sunshine (2004)
Dragon's Tongue 2004 Polston Forestlake Ragamuffin Sdlg Dor 4.Dragon's Tongue
Golden Tentacles 2004 Laberston Sdlg Way Cool SEv 86.Golden Tentacles
Gripping Power 2004 Olson Keen Eloise Unknown SEv 87. Gripping Power
Heavenly Pink Fang 2004 Gossard Enchanted April Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 88. Heavenly Pink Fang
Imperial Gypsy 2004 Benz Startle Angel's Smile Dor 89. Imperial Gypsy
Piranha Smiles 2004 Scott Golden Baubles Macho Macho Man Ev 90. Piranha Smiles
Raspberry Goosebumps 2004 Polston Spacecoast Cranberry Breeze Startle Dor 91. Raspberry Goosebumps
White Fang 2004 Benz Startle Angel's Smile Dor 92. White Fang (2004)
Braided Starburst 2005 Polston Spacecoast Starburst Enchanted April x Sdlg Dor 93. Braided Starburst
Devonshire Design 2005 Salter ? ? SEv 94. Devonshire Design
Dracula's Smile 2005 Peat Baracuda Bay Fortune's Dearest SEv 5. Dracula's Smile
Dracula's Mistress 2005 Peat Eternity's Shadow Baracuda Bay x Light Years Away SEv 96. Dracula's Mistress
Drink the Light 2005 Lambertson Face of the Stars Darla Anita SEv 97. Drink The Light
God Save the Queen 2005 Morrs Moon Feather x Martina Verhaert Scott Bennett Ev 98. God Save the Queen
Heavenly Velocirapter 2005 Gossard Gram's Dream Heavenly Beginnings Dor 99. Heavenly Velocirapter
Midnight Dazzle 2005 Benz Tetra Super Purple Angel's Smile Dor 6. Midnight Dazzle
Nina Verhaert 2005 Abajian Fortune's Dearest Crocodile Smile SEv 100. Nina Verhaert
Paula Nettles 2005 Kinnebrew Spacecoast Passion Released Forestlake Ragamuffin Ev 101. Paula Nettles
Saber Tooth Tiger 2005 Gossard Forestlake Ragamuffin Tetra Spindazzle Dor 102. Saber Tooth Tiger
See Me-Feel Me-Touch Me 2005 Holmes Sdlg Sdlg Dor 103. See Me Feel Me Touch Me
Shirley Farmer 2005 Benz Startle Angel's Smile Dor 104. Shirley Farmer
Sharky's Revenge 2005 Gossard Green Fringe Starting Creation Dor 105. Sharky's Revenge
Stranger Than Paradise 2005 Morss Sdlg x Star Wishes Julie Newmar x Sdlg. Ev 106. Stranger Than Paradise
Sun Bear 2005 Gossard Awesome Blossom Heavelny Begginings Dor 107. Sun Bear
Topguns Kathy Arthur 2005 Scott Sdlg Sdlg Ev 108. Topguns Kathy Arthur
Triassic Teeth 2005 Lambertson Sdlg x Sharstooth Sdlg Crocodile Smile SEv 109. Triassic  Teeth
Winter's Angel 2005 Salter ? ? SEv 110. Winter's Angel
A Bit of Spice 2006 Grossmann Evermore Charm Heavenly Beginnings SEv 111. A Bit of Spice
Angelique Fringes 2006 Klehm ? ? Dor 112. Angelique Fringes
Bass Gibson 2006 Rice Forestlake Ragamuffin Sdlg Dor 113. Bass Gibson (
Bob Olson 2006 Olson Sdlg Sdlg SEv 114. Bob Olson
Dragon Fang 2006 Gossard Purple Badger Heavenly Velocirapter Dor 115. Dragon Fang
Eleanor's True Passion 2006 Olson Lord of Lightning Sdlg SEv 116. Eleanor's True Passion
Forever Knight 2006 Peat Barracuda Bay Larry's Obsession Dor 117. Forever Knight
Gus Townsend 2006 Townsend Nature's Showman unknown SEv 7. Gus Townsend
Lacy Knitter 2006 Olson Wild Child Sdlg SEv 119. Lacy Knitter
Lady Peggy Lee Sulfaro 2006 Olson Gripping Power unknown SEv 120. Lady Peggy Lee Sulfaro
I Wanna Piranha 2006 Kinnebrew Forestlake Ragamuffin x Mort Morss Cosmic Sensation SEv 121. I Wanna Piranha
Malcolm David Brooker Senior 2006 Brooker Forestlake Ragamuffin Tet. Helena Louisa x Sldg Dor 122. Malcolm Brooker
Mary Lena 2006 Rice Forestlake Ragamuffin Baracuda Bay Dor 123. Mary Lena
On Your Knees You Will Find Him 2006 Olson Gripping Power Inknown SEv 124. On you knees you will find him
Puffer Fish 2006 Gossard Enchanted April Forstlake Ragamuffin Dor 125. Puffer Fish
Pruple Badger 2006 Gossard Court Magician x Tetra Spindazzle Fortune's Dearest SEv 126. Purple Badger
Roaring Rapids 2006 Hansen Sdlg Forbidden Fantasy Ev 127. Roaring Rapids
Rosy Spiketail 2006 Gossard Purple Badger Heavenly Velocirapter Dor 128. Rosy Spiketail
Snaggle Tooth 2006 Hansen Toth x Sdlg Here for the Party Ev 129. Snaggle Tooth
Tooth and Nail 2006 Benz Forestlake Ragamuffin Tet. Spindazzle Dor 130. Tooth and Nail
Westbourne Daddy Kirby's Kindness 2006 Meadow Madame Ruby Startle SEv 131. Westbourne Daddy Kirby's Kindness
Westbourne L.V. Kirby 2006 Meadow Tetra Rose Satin Startle SEv 132. Westbourne L.V. Kirby
Alan Lane Agin 2007 Agin Startle Fortune's Dearest Dor 133. Alan Lane
Antique Smile 2007 Pickles Angel's Smile Antique Fringe Dor 134. Antique Smile
Bob Charman 2007 Charman Forbidden Fantasy Dakar Ev 135. Bob Charman
Cardinal Desire 2007 Grossmann Mabel Winegar Startle Dor 136. Cardinal Desire
Fairfield Tooth Fairy 2007 Haynes Victorian Lce Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 137. Fairfield Tooth Fairy
Fangs of the Memories 2007 Mayes Baracuda Bay David Kirchoff SEv 138. Fangs for the Memories
Horny Devil 2007 Pickles Forestlake Ragamuffin x Antique Wizard Antique Wizard SEv 139. Horny Devi (2007)l
Jaguar's Paw 2007 Dougherty-Rice Jaguar Sdlg Dor 140. Jaguar's Paw
Lady Stephanie Vicotria Redding 2007 Polston Ruffled Strawberry Parfait Sdlg Dor 141. Lady Stephanie Victoria Redding
Lone Mountain Smilodon 2007 Mayes Sdlg Sdlg SEv 8. Lone Mountain Smilodon
Mesozoic Munch 2007 Lambertson Sdlg Stripled Starship SEv 142. Mesozoic Munch
Possible Side Effects 2007 Rice Sdlg Sdlg SEv 143. Possible Side Effect
Randy Stephens 2007 Kinnebrew Sdlg Cosmic Sensation SEv 144. Randy Stephens
Ruckus 2007 Rice Unbridled Spirit Bass Gibson Dor 145. Ruckus
Spacecoast Fringe Benefit 2007 Kinnebrew Sdlg Mike Longo SEv 146. Spacecoast Fringe Benefit
Strippled Statement 2007 Lambertson Art Gallery Expressionism Face of the Stars Seedling SEv 147. Stippled Statement
Subtle Knife 2007 Lambertson Face of the Stars Sdlg SEv 148. Subtle Knife
That Voodoo That You Do So Well 2007 Yost Sdlg Baracuda Bay Dor 149. That Voodoo That You Do So Well
Ulterior Motive 2007 Owen Baracuda Bay x Tooth Way of Life SEv 150. Ulterior Motive
Unbridled Spirit 2007 Rice Angelina Maria Lucas Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 9.Unbridled Spirit
Wild Hair 2007 Polston Forestlake Ragamuffin Ruffled Strawberry Parfait Dor 151. Wild Hair
Worthy of Distinction 2007 Brunetti Sldg Sldg Dor 152. Worthy of Distinction
Venus Flytrap/td> 2007 Gossard Order or Chaos × Shinto Etching Forestlake Ragamuffin × Heavenly Beginnings Dor 153. Venus Fly Trap
All of My Love to You 2008 Rice Unknown Unknown SEv 154. All of My Love toYou
Bengal Teeth 2008 Holmes (Sdlg x Erin Lea) x Saber Tooth Tiger Tet.Skinwalker SEv 155. Bengal Teeth
Bristling Fury 2008 Benz Forestlake Ragamuffin Ultimate Weapon 156. Bristling Fury
Cactus Bloosom 2008 Gossard Strawberry Candy x Heavenly Beginnings Born to Late x Crocodile Smile Dor 157. Cactus Bloosom
Cast Your Crown 2008 Kortf P. Korth L. Forestlake Ragamuffin Sdlg Dor 158. Cast Your Crown
Crested Dragon 2008 Polston Forestlake Ragamuffin J.T. Davis SEv 159. Crested Dragon
Eagles_Gift 2008 Petit Mort Morss x Substance Of Fire Fortune’s Dearest x Royal Fringe SEv 160. Eagles Gift
Energizer Ty Howard 2008 Gibson Enchanted April Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 161. Energizer Ty Howard
Fantastic Fringe 2008 Salter Winter Memories Lace Cookies SEv 162. Fantastic Fringe
Forestlake Briar Path 2008 Harding Forestlake Lacy Bloomers Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 163. Forestlake Briar Pathy
Forestlake Pleats for Laura 2008 Harding Forestlake Becky Forestlake Tigerling Claws Dor 164. Forestlake Pleats for Laura  Harding
Fringy 2008 Stamile Sdlg x Dream Runner Inimitable x Zephyr’s Song Ev 165. Fringy
Gina Rizzo 2008 Polston Pizza Crust Startle Dor 166. Gina Rizzo
Happy Holiday to You 2008 Holmes Sdlg Forestlake Ragamuffin SEv 167. Happy Holidays to You Holmes 2008
Heavenly Danger Zone 2008 Gossard Sword Dancer Yellow Dynamo Dor 168. Heavenly Danger Zone
Horny Toad 2008 Hansen Spike Sdlg Ev 169. Horny Toad
Imperial Gipsy 2008 Benz Startle Angel’s Smile Dor 170. Imperial Gypsy
Interview with Vampire 2008 Polston Ruffled Strawberry Parfait Raspberry Goosebumps Dor 171. Interview with Vampire
Outer Limits 2008 Gossard Saber Tooth Tiger Sdlg Dor 172. Outer Limits
Passage To India 2008 Gluck Baracuda Bay Circle of Friends Dor 173. Passage to India
Predator 2008 Gossard Dragon Fang Heavenly Velocirapter Dor 174. Predator
Reap The Whirlwind 2008 Benz Forestlake Ragamuffin Tet. Spindazzle 175. Reap The Whirlwind
Royal Fringe 2008 Petit Fortune’s Dearest x Forbidden Fantasy Mort Moss SEv 176. Royal Fringe
Silence of the Lambs 2008 Sherman Forestlake Ragamuffin x Heavenly Beginnings Startle Dor 177. Silence of the Lambs
Sitting on a Cornflake 2008 Lambertson Sdlg Sdlg SEv 178. Sitting On A Cornflake
Somewhat Awesome 2008 Townsend Mort Morss unknown SEv 179. Somewhat Awesome
Spacecoast Lunatic Fringe 2008 Kinnebrew Sdlg Mike Longo SEv 180. Spacecoast Lunatic Fringe
Spartan Warrior 2008 Benz Startle Rose Destiny SEv 181. Spartan Warrior
Tentacle Tower 2008 Lambertson Sdlg Sdlg SEv 182. TentacleTower
Violet Victory 2008 Morss (Tetra Lavender Blue Baby x Unvanquished) x Unvanquished Sdlg Ev 10. Violet Victory
Voracious Vixen 2008 Hansen Night Rapture x Hooked On A Feeling Cool Morning Mist x Divine Light Ev 183. Voracious Vixen
Wreathed in Teeth 2008 Anderson Lavender Heartthrob Chance Encounter Dor 184. Wreathed In Teeth
Beaks and Bills 2009 Lambertson Face of the Stars Sdlg SEv 185. Beaks and Bills
Big Bad Wolf 2009 Hansen Sdlg Jim Weissenberger Ev 186. Big Bad Wolf
Bobby Sox Baby 2009 Jarabek-Bachman Forestlake Country Dancer x Romantic Stares Forestlake Ragamuffin SEv 11.Bobby Sox Baby
Bonibrae Sharky 2009 Matthie Forestlake Ragamuffin Licorice Candy Dor 187. Bonibrae Sharky
Brantlee Phillips 2009 Townsend Sdlg Forestlake Ragamuffin SEv 188. Brantlee Philips
Breck’s Smile 2009 Du Paul Forestlake Ragamuffin Sdlg Dor 189. Breck's Smile
Brookie Bug 2009 Peat John Peat x (Forces of Nature x Heline Pressley) Spiny Sea Urchin Dor 12. Brookie Bug
Briar Patch 2009 Grace Larry’s Obsession Vitner’s Treasure Ev 190. Briar Patch
Butterfly Ann 2009 Owen Sultry Smile x Sdlg Spiny Sea Urchin SEv 13.Butterfly Ann
Casper’s Revenge 2009 Townsend Roberts Sdlg Fantastic Fringe SEv 191. Casper's Revenge
Celestial Virgins 2009 Hanson Ruffled Strawberry Parfait Sdlg SEv 192. Celestial Virgins
Diamond Cutter 2009 Holley Johnny Cash Larry’s Obsession Ev 193. Diamond Cutter
Dragon Sun 2009 Bushong Yellow Dynamo SaberTooth Tiger Dor 14. Dragon Sun
Forbidden Territory 2009 Gossard James White Fang Heavenly Pink Fang Dor 194. Forbidden Territory
Forestlake Tooth Fairy 2009 Harding (Forestlake Lacy Bloomers × Forestlake Ragamuffin).× Light Years Away Darla Anita SEv 195. Fairfield Tooth Fairy
Heavenly Christmas Cactus 2009 Gossard Heavenly Velocirapter Heavenly Bombshell Dor 196. Heavenly Christmas Cactus
Helene de Troie 2009 Rioux Ruufled Strawberry Parfait x Sdlg Drink The Light x Fantastic Fringe Dor 197. Helene de Troie
Horned Viper 2009 Polston Forestlake Ragamuffin Sdlg. Dor 198. Horned Viper
Horns 2009 Benz Forestlake Ragamuffin Tet. Spindazzle Dor 199. Horns
Johnny Bear 2009 Hansen Bite Me Space Jam Dor 200. Johnny Bear
Lady Killer 2009 Stadler Baby Baracuda Mort Morss SEv 15 Lady Killer
Lemon Raspberry Delight 2009 Bushong Heavenly Pink Fang White Fang Dor 202. Lemon Raspberry Delight
Michael Poliga 2009 Hansen Forestlake Ragamuffin Pure Indulgence SEv 16.Michael Poliga
My Utmost For His Highest 2009 Emmerich ( Sdlg x ( Sdlg x Doyle Pierce) Filled to Overflowing x Heartbeat of Heaven SEv 203. My Utmost For His Highest
Oklahoma Sand Burr 2009 Holley Mary Lena Robes for the Queen SEv 204. Oklahoma Sand Burr
Once Bitten 2009 Polston Sdlg Ruffled Strawberry Parfait Dor 205. Once Bitten
Pete Webb 2009 Townsend sdlg Spisy Sea Urchin Dor 206. Pete Webb
Playful Piranha 2009 Peat …Baracuda Bay.. SEv 207. Playful Piranha
Riding a Chainsaw 2009 Polston Forestlake Ragamuffin Darla Anita Dor 208. Riding A Chainsaw
Sawtooth Predator 2009 Korth-Korth Magic Amethyst x Forestlake Ragamuffin Clarification Dor 17. Sawtooth Predator
Spacecoast Thorny Devil 2009 Kinnebrew Paula Nettles Karen Stephens SEv 209. Spacecoas Thorny DevilI
Spacecoast Snaggle Tooth 2009 Kinnebrew Forestlake Ragamuffin x Mort Morss Cosmic Sensation SEv 210. Spacecoast Snaggle Tooth
Susan Ruoff 2009 Bachman Startle Klaatu Barada Nikto Dor 210a. Susan Ruoff Bachman
Swimming With Shark 2009 Polston Spacecoast Starburst x Sdlg Forestlake Ragamuffin SEv 211. Swimming With Shark
Thanks Pavel 2009 Spiridonova-Jasinski Clasic Edge Ed Brown x Wolf Eyes SEv 18. Thanks Pavel
Tickle Me Elmo 2009 Pickles Antique Fringe Forestlake Ragamuffin SEv 212. Tickle Me Elmo
Bengali 2010 Petit Larry’s Obsession x Eagles Gift Barracuda Bay x Fortune’s Dearest SEv 213. Bengali
Bite Me in the Neck 2010 Polston Lady Stephanie x Victoria Redding Spacecoast Royal Randsom Dor 214. Bite Me In the Neck
Carnivore 2010 Polston Forestlake Ragamuffin Sdlg Dor 215. Carnivore
Darkness Reigns 2010 Petit Spiny Sea Urchin x Baracuda Bay Fortunes Dearest SEv 216.  Darkness Reigns
David Likes It 2010 Phelps Ruffled Strowberry Parfait Techny Spider Dor 217. David Likes
Dental Academy 2010 Akers Forestlake Ragamuffin Holy Guacamole SEv 218. Dental Academy
Dolly Wolly 2010 White Sdlg Sdlg SEv 19. Dolly Wolly
Dragon Knight 2010 Gossard Order or Chaos × (Shinto Etching × Tet. Spindazzle)) Born Too Late × Crocodile Smile Dor 219. Dragon Knight
Dream Window 2010 Lambertson Drink the Light sdlg God Save the Queen SEv 20 . Dream Window
Glowing Quasar 2010 Rice unknown unknown Dor 220. Glowing Quasar
Gnashing of Teeth 2010 Emmerich ….. ….. Ev 222. Gnashing of Teeth
Gothic Finery 2010 Salter unknown unknown 223. Gothic Finery
Hip Hop Music 2010 Hansen Spike Frilly Lillian Ev 224. Hip Hop Music
Jaws and Claws 2010 Lambertson Beaks and Bills Sdlg SEv 225. Jaws and Claws
Jordyn Casper 2010 Townsend Roberts Sdlg Fantastic Fringe 226. Jordyn Casper
Joyce Zimmann 2010 Polston Dragon Slayer Ruffled Srtawberry Parfait Dor 227. Joyce Zimmann
Kentucky Woman 2010 Rice unknown unknown SEv 228. Kentucky Woman
Marmalade Muncher 2010 Grossmann Forestlake Becky Forestlake Lawdy How Gaudy SEv 230. Marmelade Muncher
My Chihuahua Bites 2010 Wilkerson Aliquippa Sdlg Dor 231. My Chihuahua Bites
On the Prowl 2010 Polston Ruffled Srtawberry Parfait J.T.Davis Dor 232. On the Prowl
Pins and Needles 2010 Rice Bass Gibson x Sldg unknown Dor 233. Pins and Needles
Razorwire 2010 Pickles Forestlake Ragamuffin Candied Popcorn Perfection Dor 234. Razorwire
Relevant Grafitto 2010 Townsend Sharon Joker Mike Thompson 235. Relevant Graffito
Shabby Chic 2010 Farmer Stegal (Sdlg x Enchanted April) x (Angel's Smile x Ida's Magic) Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 236. Shabby Chic
Shattered Glass 2010 Rice Bass Gibson unknown Dor 237. Shattered Glass
Swimming With Barracudas 2010 Polston Spacecoast Starburst x Forestlake Ragamuffin Forestlake Ragamuffin Dor 239. Swimming With Barracudas
The Dentist 2010 Gossard Pink Fang Ruffled Srtawberry Parfait Dor 240. The Dentist
The Orthodontist 2010 Gossard Spartan Warrior Puma Dor 241. The Orthodontist
Thunder Dragon 2010 Gossard Janet Benz Heavenly Pink Fang Dor 242. Thunder Dragon
Vampire’s Kiss 2010 Gossard Heavenly PinkFang Spartan Warir Dor 243. Vampire's Kiss
Victorian Garden Baby Shiners 2010 Brooker Malcolm David Brooker, Sr Ragamuffin x Tet. Ralph Henry sdlg SEv 21. Victorian Garden Baby Shiners
Wickedly Wild and Wonderful 2010 Salter (Spelbound Secret x Fabulous Black Pearl) x Gothic Finery Fabulous Black Pearl x Shipwreck Cove SEv 244. Wickedly Wild and Wonderful
Wolverine 2010 Gossard James Dragon Fang Dragon Knight Dor 245. Wolverine Gossard
Arachnid 2011 Benz Tooth and Nail When Lightning Strikes Dor 246. Arachnid
After the Bite 2011 Gossard Orange Splash Saber Tooth Tiger Dor 247. After the Bite
Alloy 2011 Townsend Somewhat Awesome Unknown 248. Alloy
Black Horns 2011 Benz Tooth and Nails x Startling Creation Horns Dor 249. Black Horns
Blue Ringed Octopus 2011 Polston Ruffled Strawberry Parfait Way Past Cool Dor 250. Blue Ringed Octapus
Boca Ratan 2011 Trimmer Precious Candy Asian Fairy Bluebird Ev 251. Boca Ratan
Born to Bite 2011 Polston Raspberry Goosebumps Ruffled Strawberry Parfait Dor 252. Born to Bite
Chomp 2011 Lambertson Mary Lena Sdlg SEv 253. Chomp
Crimson Shuriken 2011 Benz White Fang x Ruby Corona White Fang x Spartan Warrior Dor 254. Crimson Suriken
Crowning Achievement 2011 Rice Ruffled Srtawberry Parfait Truly Angelic Dor 255. Crowning Achievement
Deadliest Catch 2011 Polston Sdlg Ruffled Strawberry Parfait Dor 256. Deadliest Catch
Drink the Wind 2011 Rice ? ? 257.  Drink The Wind
Great White Shark 2011 Patterson Maple Leaf Forever Maxwell Crowe 258. Great White Shark
Hooked 2011 Stamile Pierce Eight Miles High I Wanna Piranha Ev 259. Hooked Stamile
Horsing Around 2011 Rice ? ? Dor 260. Horsing Around
Icicles 2011 Pierce Emerald Bay Apple Spring Dor 261. Icicles
Identity Crisis 2011 White Apricot Symphony Jaws of Life SEv 22. Identity Crisis
Independent Knowledge 2011 Peat (Fortune's Dearest x Baracuda Bay) x Spiny SeaUrchin John Peat x Baby Jane Hudson Dor 262. Independent Knowledge
Jules Delambre 2011 Rice ? ? Dor 264. Jules Delambre
King Cobra 2011 Gossard Sharky’s Revenge Sword Dancer Dor 265. King Kobra
Lemony Whiskers 2011 Waldrop Leslie Renee Angels Gather Around SEv 266. Lemony Whiskers
Lillian’s First Bite 2011 Manning (JT Davis x Tet.Siloam Ralph Henry) x Sam’s Linda Kay Lillians Jinger Bred SEv 267. Lillian's First Bite
Lollipop Junction 2011 Douglas Royal Renaissance Leslie Renee SEv 23.Lollipop Junction
Merlin of Camelot 2011 Stadler Mort Morss Spiny Sea Urchin Ev 24.Merlin of Camelot
Metallic Montage 2011 Lambertson Laughing Falcon Pinched Perfection SEv 268. Metallic Montage
Mo River Sharkie 2011 Emmons, Sdlg T 11 03 Spiny Sea Urchin 269. Mo-River-Sharkie
Nattie Bumpo 2011 Townsend Toopher Somewhat Awesme Dor 270. Nattie Bumpo
Pastor Z 2011 Polston Sdlg Lady Stephanie Victoria Redding Dor 271. Pastor Z
Pink Piranha 2011 Polston Sdlg Sdlg Dor 272. Pink Piranha
Piranha Attack 2011 Stadler Baby Baracuda Spiny Sea Urchin SEv 273. Piranha Attack
Prehistoric Beast 2011 Gossard Sword Dancer Saber Tooth Tiger Dor 274 Prehistoric Beast
Prince Vladimir 2011 Peat Larry's Obssesion (Brookie Bug x (Prince John x (Baracuda Bay x Fortune's Dearest) SEv 275. Prince Vladimir
Serpent Moon 2011 Polston Sdlg Ruffled Strawberry Parfait Dor 276. Serpent Moon
Silver Bullets 2011 Polston Sdlg Shabby Chic Dor 277. Silver Bulles
Skin of My Teeth 2011 Emmerich (Chance Encounter x Shaka Zulu) x ((Fortune's Dearest x Lifting Me Higher) x Doyle Pierce)) Heartbeat of Heaven x sdlg SEv 25. Skin of My Teeth
Smiling Dragon 2011 Trimmer Wild Cherry Roundup I Wanna Piranfa Ev 278. Smiling Dragon
Spacecoast Chomp Chomp 2011 Kinnebrew Spacecoast Loose Tooth Herman SEv 280. Spacecoast Chomp Chomp
Spacecoast Girl Crazy 2011 Kinnebrew Alexa Kathryn x Cosmic Sensation Forestlake Ragamuffin x Mort Moss SEv 281. Spacecoast Girl Crazy
Spacecoast Summer Spectacular 2011 Kinnebrew Spacecoast Fringe Benefit Fantastic Fringe SEv 26.Spacecoast Summer Spectacular
Strictly Taboo 2011 Douglas Sdlg Fortune's Dearest x Lifting Me Higher Ev 27.Strictly Taboo Douglas 2011
Suburban Ruffled Love 2011 Watts J.T.Davis Holy Gaucamole SEv 28. Suburban Ruffled Love
Swan Lake Rose 2011 Townsend Toopher unknown 282. Swan Lake Rose
Sweet Valdosta Memories 2011 Kinnebrew Randy Stephens Iwanna Pirahna SEv 283. Sweet Valdosta Memories
Thorny 2011 Townsend ? ? SEv 284. Thorny
Thorny Issues 2011 White Heal Thy Spirit Jaws of Life SEv 285. Thorny Issues
Titanic 2011 Townsend Jordyn Casper Dragon Fangs SEv 286. Titanic
Valley Girl 2011 Rice ? ? Dor 287. Valley Girl
Vampire Bat 2011 Gossard Purple Badger Dragon Fang SEv 288. Vampire Bat
Walk On The Wild Side 2011 Stadler Baby Baracuda Spiny Sea Urchin SEv 289. Walk On The Wild Side
Wallingford Wooly Bully 2011 Howard Bridgeton Geometry Forestlike Ragamuffin Dor 290. Wallingford Woolly Bully
White Tooth 2011 Peat (Vivacious Pam x Meet Joe Black) x Moments in the Sun) Baracuda Bay x Elusive Dream SEv 291. White Tooth
Wolf Laurel 2011 Selman Baracuda Bay Mort Moss SEv 292. Wolfl Laurel


