The shape of flowers
Variations with untypical flowers
Variations of daylilies with untypical flowers are not only diversified and often very attractive group of plants, but at the same time they constitute a proof for endless possibilities to obtain variations with structure different from the type. The shortcoming of this group is (occurring in varying degrees and wide range) the lack of repetition of untypical flowers during the period of flowering. Conducted registers determine the percentage of number of untypical flowers compared to all flowers of given variation. The plants with untypical, usually increased number of sepals are dominant in regard to distinction in this group of daylily variations (fig.17) Usually there are eight of them, but you can also stumble upon the variations with twelve sepals. Fig.17 Variations of daylilies with increased number of sepals
Moosa Pa Loosa |
Greywoods Dixie Belle |
Magical Indeed |
Too Many Petals |
I Have Issues |
Calico Poly |
Generation X |
Moana Gloria May |
Spoon for Escargots |
Witch Stichery |
Shady Lady |
Charlies Loss |
Sabine Bauer 4 |
Eye on a String |
Extraterrestrial |
Webster's Pink Wonder |