Decorative elements of the perianth
Shape of the petals
It seems that the shaping of the daylily petals that derivates from the standard, and is based on the appearance of wrinkles on a smooth and even surface of petals, is a new and until recently, unprecedented feature. It was initiated by the daylily variations with yellow flowers (fig.83)
Fig. 83 Wrinkled surface of daylily petals
Engraved Invitation


Permanent Impression



Small-town Hero
The wrinkles have a character of symmetrical ribbing covering whole surface of petals, and comprise an original decorative element that gives the inner petals unprecedented, decorative texture. Narrow runnel that comes out of the throat towards petals outline, and divides the petal into two symmetrical halves, draws the attention and seems to be an artistic equivalent of the colorful ribbon.
The breeding works on the above-mentioned feature have allowed to include it in the unicolor variations of different hue and provide its coexistence with the frill in the classical form (fig.84).
Fig. 84 Transfer of the wrinkled petals feature to multicolor daylily variations with the frills
Mystical Sunhine

Sp. Pattern Plus

Eloquent Cay

Tropical Hot Flash
Great Rift Valley

Pockets Full of Sunshine

Bonnie Holley

Calypso Beery
Lack of larger number of variations with plastic shaping of the petals surface does not allow the accurate evaluation of how this feature wants to coexist with other decorative elements of the perianth, and thus in what degree it will diversify and enrich the beauty of daylily flowers.
However, the singular variations with more complex colors that show the possibility of coloration of the ribbing in the color of the frill, give a reason to hope that it may lead a new, attractive direction of daylilies breeding in the near future (fig.85)
Fig. 85

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