Genealogy of Jagged Daylilies

Daniel Matton

Judy Duthu

John Kulpa

Lisa Klette
Richard Akers

David Dekort

John Kulpa

Daniel Matton
Illustration 1. Jagged daylilies seedlings obtained in 2011 by chosen growers
Instead of a motto to the following study I used the pictures of unregistered daylilies seedlings which were presented in 2011 by some growers who were oriented at the mentioned farming way (Illustration 1). This presentation can be left without comment. I am convinced everybody who grows daylilies will see without difficulty in this gallery a quintessence of innovative, original and captivating modifications in appearance of flowers with which we commune with every day. They have recently become, in this form, a desire of ornamental plants enthusiasts, a dream of blossoming gardens lovers and a hope and expectation of growers.
Motivation of undertaking the study
I was inspired by many reasons to undertake this study:
- an extremely fascinating and intriguing way of daylilies growing that allows to introduce new, original and extremely attractive types of daylilies with jagged petals edges
- highly praiseworthy achievements of growers who have taken up this way of growing work in the last years
- significant share of dormants in the area of crossbred plants of this growing way that creates advantageous conditions for such growing undertakings in our climate zone.
Source materials
The creation of the following study was not an easy undertaking. Looking for the answer where a quality of jagged petals edges comes from, I followed flow sheets of many nowadays acknowledged types equipped with this quality and of these which have fallen out of growing interest circulation. The studies were based on daylilies pictures and information that many times were hardly found in Internet resources nooks. Daylilies types descriptions have not had descriptions of external petals edges for many years even when they were rare and captivating original. In such conditions the basis of findingswas many times the only available picture. The gathering of materials was not facilitated by monopolization of photographic records resources by some unique types pictures owners. I haven’t also encountered any study that would be an attempt of cataloguing of jagged daylilies appearing in these plants registers in next years of time going by and the growing progress. The material that was gathered in these conditions cannot surely be perfect, free of oversights or omissions and cannot be the basis of content- related binding arrangements.
The comment on biological origin of jagged daylilies and speculations on growing lines of chosen types I express with full awareness of above-mentioned provisions.
The data on jagged daylilies I obtained from the information resources:
Tinker’s Garden Datebase,
AHS Online Cultivar Datebase,
Garden Web Dayliliy Forum,
Daylily Blog on Teeth Hybridizing,
Growing Daylilies Together
Dave’s Garden Cultivar Finder
Daylily Sweetheart Photos by Andrea Weaver
Brother Charles Reckamp Daylilies by Sandy Houck
and from the types authors websites.
Definition and nomenclature
The term “jagged daylilies” is in the Polish plants nomenclature an innovative, unknown, no binding term,it can be even said it is a type of unwarranted frolic for my part. I used it in this study, and anyway only for its use consciously, in order to define a group of daylilies about which I am going to write. I used the nomenclature from the tulips classification, in which flowers with jagged petals edges are a separate group of plants and are defined as “Crispa” tulips (jagged, curled, hairdressed) Illustration 2.
Illustration 2 „Crispa” category tulips
In source literature I have not come across a formal idea of marking off a jagged daylilies group with petals edges as a separate plants category, however there exists some evidence that this group is noticed as different quality that deserves special attention and honourable mention. The confirmation of the last one is a popular blog written by Sandy and Mike Holms: „Daylily Blog on Teeth Hybridizing”
In Anglo- Saxon nomenclature there is no homogenous name for this daylilies category. The name that is used the most often „teeth daylilies” is such inaccurate that more and more daylilies that are brought in the daylilies register in this category have got flowers which because of their anatomical change stopped giving associations with teeth many years ago
Anatomy of jagged petals edges
The name “jagged” daylilies has a standard meaning and includes every type of petals anatomy, whose external edges in horizontal position in comparison with their area create many less or more deep and sharp bends. A more detailed anatomy analysis of jagged daylilies means that this quality, surely conditioned genetically, is not homogenous and exists at least in two basic types (illustration 3)


Alliquippa Baxter


Tickle Me Elmo
Crowning Achievment

Robes for the Queen

Bristling Fury

Eagles Gift
Illustration 3 Two basic anatomical types of jagged daylilies flowers edges petals
These two types are historically the oldest and it can be with high probability assumed that they became a beginning point for further anatomical changes in external appearance of daylily petals edges that have appeared as they years passed by and because of growing progress. The first type (Illustration 3 the upper line of pictures) that is prolonged anatomical smooth surface petals with many composed in a stockade, rounded outgrowths and appears in types which are great-parents of jagged daylilies (Yuma, Charlie). They also appeared as first in a long history of daylilies farming development.
The second type (Illustration 3 lower line of pictures) are petals edges endings that are different anatomically, cog that remind saw tines. From historical review of daylilies farming it can be with high probability assumed that great-parents of this anatomical type were types Lin Wright and Mort’s Masterpiece.
The jagged daylilies types that appeared year after year gave the picture of different fraying structures, in which there could easily be recognised a compilation of two in the introduction mentioned wyjściowy forms (Illustration 4, upper line of pictures).

Forestlake Briar Path

Gothic Finery

Glowing Quasar

Pins and Needles

Deadliest Catch

Dario Bergemann

Fantastic Fringe
Illustration 4. Different anatomical forms of jagged daylilies petals endings
Recent years, definitely as a result of the gene(s) mutation responsible for the anatomical appearance of external petals edges have brought the next up to now rare anatomical type in the form of long thready outgrowths that adorn external edges of petals (Illustration 4 lower line of pictures)
It seems that now an association of jagged trim of daylily petals edges with a classical frill should be expected, however it is definitely not the only way of obtaining above standard solutions. Signs of it have recently been the achieved results that exceeded the limits of anticipations and imagination (Illustration 5)
Siewka Gossarda

Pleats for Laura

Siewka Akersa

Siewka Emmerich
Illustration 5. Above standard structures of jagged daylilies petals edges
Growing history of jagged daylilies types
Resting on documents about daylilies growing it can with high probability be assumed that a place of birth of jagged daylilies was a garden of an American grower Karol Reckamp. An amazing personality and colourness of this person gives this association a symbolic aspect.
Karol Reckamp was born in a small town to the northwest from St. Louis in Missouri state in the USA in 1905. After his mother’s death his father married again and as a result he was one of twenty children of a new marriage.
Looking at nuns life in the neigbourhood of his house influenced the choice of life way of young Karol. When he was 22 he joined the missionary order of the word of God and under the influence of his biology professor he started developing his garden interests. The garden development goal was creating a business company bringing income for the Order’s support.
From this moment as the years were passing by, friar Karol Reckamp became more and more acclaimed gardener and his interests about daylilies cross- breeding and introducing new tetraploid types lines to the plant raising gained much popularity among famous modern growers such as Orville Fay, David Hall or D. Robert Griesbach. His nearest co-worker stayed however Roy Klehm who was a co-author of many from 240 registered types. The Reckamp’s garden that in the course of time expanded to a multihectare farm and became a place of intensive growing works with endless possibilities of plant partners coupling and program solutions. Many years they concentrated mainly on betterment of anatomy and daylilies flowers colours (Illustration 6).

Angel's Delight

Heavenly Trasure

Priceless Pearl

Heavenly Crown
Peace Sweet Peace

Angel's Smile

Heavens Trophy

Techny Peach Lace
Illustration 6. Types of Reckamp’s/ Klehm’s jagged dayliliesRyc.6 Odmiany strzępiastych liliowców registered in a decade 1978-1988
Looking at Reckamp’s output, getting to know names, pictures and descriptions of registered types there is no impression that a quality of jagged petals edges was acknowledged then as something especially exposed or worth attention.
It appeared rather often among in many ways cross- breeded with each other plants, the most often discreetly, in form of an irregular draped margin of external petals edges. Descriptions of then registered types did not contain the characteristic of this quality and tracking of growing lines were the most often impossible because of lack of the information about parental forms.
It can be however spotted that among registered by Reckamp/ Klehm types in the decade 1978-88, phenotypic qualities of daylilies flowers indicated at the presence of a gene conditioning jagged petals edges among grown plants. It is difficult to find out from where but it can be definitely claimed that this gene in Reckamp’s garden was just permanently present. It happened many times that cross-breeding of two daylilies without jagged petals endings for example Tender Shephered x Divine Gift appeared clearly in offspring (Little Flock) (Illustration 7).

Tender Shepherd

x Divine Gift

Little Flock

Illustration 7. Lineage of the type „Little Flock”
Today it can definitely be assumed that Reckamp’s/ Klehm daylilies stay as a place of birth and genetical source of jagged daylilies, appear in a lineage of many nowadays acknowledged types and have a permanent place in a history of this growing way.
My Sunshine
Looking for a candidate for a symbolic jagged daylilies father my choice was the type „Mu Sunshine” registered by Reckamp /Klehm in 1978. The offspring of My Sunshine type were 6 types, out of which three had a quality of jagged petals: Heavens Trophy, Peace Sweet Peace and Startle.
Only one from mentioned was especially marked by fate, which opened it a way to an enormous growing career. It was registered by Belden in 1988 type Startle (Broadmore Red x My Sunshine) It became a mile step in development of jagged daylilies growing. It was because the first jagged daylily in red colour, and that is why it revolutionised the colours monotony of types Reckamp/Klehm that was mainly limited to yellow, orange or peach types (Illustration 8).
Definitely smaller but visible successes can be ascribed to the type Peace Sweet Peace. By the agency of its offspring (Techny Peach Lace), a gene of jagged petals endings was transferred to the four types: Art. Gallery Fringe, Enchanted April, Josephine Barsocchi and Seneca Jewel. It is shown in the mentioned below (illustration 8).

Illustration 8. My Sunshine type growing line
Among them only the type Enchanted April (Techny Peach Lace x Wedding Band) registered by Trimmer in 1993, was used by growers for next growing works. Among 58 types being its offspring were such which in a chronicle of jagged daylilies growing belong today to the model achievements (Heavenly Pink Fang, Puffer Fish). It will stay a secret what the reason was why less attractive siblings of the type Enchanted April stayed beyond the growing interests and at all did not have offspring. It is worth considering that Trimmer thanks to the type Enchanted April growing a pink (illustration 8).
Out of 39 types being the offspring of Startle type many take up an important place on the list of growing achievements regarding jagged daylilies (illustration 9).
Illustration 9 Share of My Sunshine type in a gene transmission of jagged petals edges. (With red colour was marked presence in a quality type of jagged petals endings. In the brackets there is given a number of offspring in the types. In rectangles fields there are given jagged types names, a grower’s name and a registration year).
The below given overview of jagged daylilies deriving from the growing line of My Sunshine type , allows to estimate the role it played in the achievements of this growing way development (illustration 10)
Latin Expression (2000)
Heavenly Beginnings (2001)
Buz Saw (2003)
Heavenly Pink Fang (2004)
Camelot Sunshine (2004)
White Fang (2004)
Braided Starburst (2005)
Shirley Farmer (2005)
Puffer Fish (2006)
Alan Lane (2007)
Silence of the Lambs (2008)
Susan Ruoff (2009)
Illustration 10. Chosen types of jagged daylilies in a growing line My Sunshine
Forestlake Ragamuffin
Keeping the events chronology, the next mile pole in a jagged daylilies growing history was introduction in 1993 by Harding the type Forestlake Ragamuffin ( Decatur Piecrust x ( Sdlg. x (Lahaina x Yuma))
Looking back on the gene conditioning jagged petals endings in generations connected with parents of a type Forestlake Ragamuffin origin it was not possible to obtain any important arrangements.
Parents of the type Decatur Piecrust: Waving Winds x Round Table, like their quite numerous siblings: Waving Winds (4), Round Table (23) were deprived of this quality. The origin of the gene of jagged petals endings in the type Yuma turned out also to be impossible to arrange. The parents of the type Maja x Kananii, and the offspring of both parental types: Maja (69), Kanani (2) did not show clearly this quality.
No matter what the described difficulties in defining the original source of a quality of jagged petals ending, for both parental forms of the type Forestlake Ragamuffin, it can be stated that they both had qualities which together coded in Forestlake Ragamuffin a genome of preternatural value (illustration 11).
Illustration 11 Genealogy of the type Forestlake Ragamuffin
Looking through the variety of types won thanks to Forestlake Ragamuffin and their decorative value it is hard to believe that since their registration in 1993 until appearing of its types won by other growers than the type author it were 10 years.
However no sooner than in 2003 there began a triumphant parade of Forestlake Ragamuffin through the growers gardens and the next each year appearing types with it, confirmed a wonder of the genetic face of the plant and the role it played in creating of jagged daylilies (Illustration 12)

Illustration 12. Share of type Forestlake Ragamuffin in a gene transmission of jagged petals edges (With a red colour there is marked the presence in a type of jagged petals endings. In brackets there is given a number of types offspring. In rectangles fields there are given names of jagged types, the grower’s name and the registration year.
A general review of this way is illlustrated by the following examples (illustration 13).
Heavenly Pink Fang (2004
Paula Nettles (2005)
Saber Tooth Tiger (2005)
Bass Gibson (2006)
I Wanna Piranha (2006)
Mary Lena (2006)
Putter Fish (2006)
Fairfield Tooth Fairy (2007)
Horny Devil (2007)
Ruckus (2007)
Venus Flytrap (2007)
Bristling Fury (2008)
Reap the Whirlwind (2008)
Silence of the Lamb (2008)
Brantlee Phillips (2009)
Swimming With Shark (2009)
Horns (2009)
Pins & Needles (2010)
Thunder Dragon (2010)
Dental Academy (2010)
Swimming with Barracudas (2010)
Illustration 13. Daylilies clones registered in the years 2004 - 2010 whose one of parental form was the type Forestlake Ragamuffin,
Baracuda Bay
The third daylily apart from the type My Sunshine and Forestlake Ragamuffin which has a documented and undeniable share in growing history promoting jagged petals edges is introduced in 1996 by Salter type Baracuda Bay. It arose in a second generation of inheritance of atypical petals endings of the type
Lin Wrigh thanks to the type Mort’s Masterpiece. (Illustration 14).
It is worth emphasising that among 17 types being Lin Wrigh offspring only Mort’s Masterpiece inherited this quality among 24 types being Mort’s Masterpiece offspring a quality of jagged petals endings was revealed only in two types. The first was Baracuda Bay, the second, - Dario Bergemann (Hansen 2004).

Illustration 14. Jagged petals endings gene transmission by three generations: Lin Wright (I), Mort’s Masterpiece (II) and Baracuda Bay(III) (With a red colour there was marked presence of a quality of jagged petals endings in a type, in brackets there was given a number of offspring).
It will stay a secret why Baracuda Bay became one of the heroes of jagged daylilies growing development in the world, whereas Dario Bergemann, maybe even more attractive in respect of anatomical qualities did not play in farming any role, it can be even said it died forgotten. The share of Baracuda Bay type in creating jagged daylilies is enormous. We owe it the appearance of this daylilies category whose being jagged squared to the common name „the shark’s teeth” (illustration 15).

Illustration 15. Share of Barakuda Bay type in jagged petals edges gene’s transmission (In the rectangle’s field there were given names of jagged types, the grower’s name and the registration year).
Despite passage of time genetical virtues of Baracuda Bay type are used constantly in modern growing programs of jagged daylilies with invariable success. The review of its offspring was presented below (Ilustration 16).

Baby Baracuda (2004)

Dracula's Smile (2005)

Dracula's Mistress (2005)

Forever Knight (2006)

Mary Lena (2006)

Fangs for the Memories (2007)

That Voodoo That You Do So Well (2007)
Ulterior Motive (2007)

Passage to India (2008)

Playful Piranha (2009)

Darkness Reigns (2010)

Independent Knowledge (2011)

Prince Vladimir (2011)

White Tooth (2011)

Wolf Laurel (2011)
Illustration 16. Daylilies clones registered in the years 2004 - 2011 whose one parental form was Baracuda Bay type
Jagged daylilies growing reaches its apogee. In the first 20 years since the appearance of the first jagged daylily there were registered fewer (35) than only in one year 2011 (45).
The conducted test of re-creating jagged daylilies genealogy in conditions of many thousands plants cross- breedings during a few decades, often without basic documentation was not an easy task. In speculations were used an order of registered types, available pictures and plants descriptions. To which extent the presented study can be acclaimed as reliable and which place it requires completion or correction,- will be judged by readers.
The aim of the study was popularization of this growing way and approximation to the interested people the knowledge about reasonable choice of partners to reach the assumed growing aims.
It seems important to emphasize that tracking of jagged daylilies petals endings anatomy in the space of years embracing their growing history allows to state that:
– they have no homogeneous entrenched structure
- they undergo anatomical changes as a result of growing procedures, creating new non-standard solutions.
These two circumstances allow with optimism and hope to expect creating next morphologic effects and track further development of this growing way.
The tangible symbol of this optimism and hope may be current achievements, maybe the most engaged in jagged daylilies growing American grower,- Polston. The pictures of his unregistered seedlings presented in the below pictures are such meaningful that they require no comment.

